Sunday, June 21, 2009

Good Adoption Article - New Media

I already had all this lined up to do for our adoption search so I'm glad to hear that it actually works.

Forgot to mention in my first post that I will probably be posting some old photos to catch up for lost time. Enjoy.

Adoption Blog - Day 1

Today is day one of the adoption blog. I thought father's day would be as good as any other day to start the blog. We have been through so much paperwork and so many interviews that it seems like we started the adoption process so long ago. We started the process in March 2009 - Today is June 21, 2009. We still have a few last items to complete and we'll be approved for adoption. We're getting really excited because now it becomes reality. Like any other couple, we hope to be selected soon, but understand that this could take a long time. I will try and keep all posts related to adoption, but I just might have something funny to post or a crazy photo, so please forgive me now! Wish us luck in this journey - who knows what is going to happen. I'll let you all know when we're officially approved and post the link to our profile.