Friday, July 24, 2009

One Week Down

We have been approved now for about 1.5 weeks. I know it's a little silly, but we keep checking the stats page on our agency profile to see how many people have looked at us. I know that most of the hits are from friends and family, but we've had 145 people check out our page since July 15. I'm glad to see that people are looking ao we can cast as large a net as possible. Adopting is all about who knows you're adopting. There is a chance that someone will come hear something and pass our profile link along to them. There is a chance that a birthmom from LDSFS might look at our profile and choose us, but chances are that we'll be put in contact with a birthmom from someone we know. So, we know that can be a long wait and we're prepared, but it's fun knowing that people are looking. We are in the process of getting a profile up on right now. We've heard a lot of good things about them, so we anticipate that will much more traffic to our profile. We'll keep everyone up to date on what's happening. Thanks for your support.

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